AireSpring Terms and Conditions
Rev. 10.01.2022


The following terms and conditions apply to all cash bonuses.

  • All Orders received on or after March 1, 2021 – For all products and services, there is a maximum payout of $25,000 per customer, regardless of the number of accounts, locations, or types of services, unless prior written approval is received from AireSpring’s Special Pricing Dept.
  • All Orders received prior to March 1, 2021 – For all products and services, there is a maximum payout of  $8,000 per customer, regardless of the number of accounts, locations, or types of services, unless prior written approval is received from AireSpring Special Pricing Dept.
  • A 1-year minimum term is required to qualify for any cash bonus.
  • For the partner to qualify for the bonus, the customer must be credit approved, have the entirety of services ordered activated/turned-up, be current on all bills, have no delinquencies or bad debt, and be in compliance with the terms of their contract for service.
  • Cash bonus payments are made in a single payment within 30 days of the statement closing date, subject to customer account remaining current, of customer’s second month of billing (first full month), except as noted below.
  • All Cash Bonuses for Long Distance Services will be split into two equal payments. The first payment will be made within 30 days of the statement closing date of customer’s 2nd month of billing. The second payment will be made within 30 days of the statement closing date of customer’s 13th month of billing.
  • If the customer cancels their service, significantly reduces usage or Monthly Recurring Charges (MRC), or is disconnected for nonpayment during or prior to the end of the term, AireSpring reserves the right to charge back to the partner as appropriate a pro-rated portion of the bonus previously issued.
  • Cash bonuses are calculated only on connectivity ports and cloud/voice seats, trunks, and lines. All other MRC and NRC charges are excluded. Exclusions include, but are not limited to, loops, equipment, additional charges, and usage bundles. For Long Distance and LD SIP Trunking orders only, bonuses on the usage portion of Long Distance Services will be calculated as stated in the Long Distance Services Section.
  • Standard retail pricing must be used. Any non-standard special pricing will not qualify for the bonus unless specifically stated in writing from AireSpring.
  • Cash bonuses are for retail business and enterprise accounts only. Wholesale, resale, and non-retail accounts are not eligible for any cash bonus commissions.
  • AireSpring reserves the right to verify that all orders conform to the intent and guidelines of this promotion.
  • Partner must notify AireSpring by email to commissions@airespring.comwithin 3 months after customer start of service date of any cash bonus/commission payment issues or partner will forfeit such bonus. In the event a particular promotion does not provide for full payment upon customer start of service date, then the partner must notify AireSpring within 3 months of scheduled payment date.



  • Includes the following services:
    • Managed Connectivity w/QoS
    • MPLS Connectivity
    • Internet Access
    • Managed Failover
    • SD-WAN Connectivity
  • Partner is eligible for a cash bonus on Connectivity Port MRC (excluding Broadband, Satellite and Wireless Connectivity) as follows:

Up to 49 Mb Port 

50 Mb and Above Ports 

1 Year Term: 125% 

1 Year Term: 75% 

2 Year Term: 125% 

2 Year Term: 75% 

3 Year Term: 150% 

3 Year Term: 100% 

  • Broadband, Satellite and Wireless Connectivity - AireSpring pays a flat 75% SPIFF on 1 to 3-year terms, on all bandwidth speeds and wireless plans.


  • AireSpring partners are eligible for a cash bonus on SD-WAN and Global SD-WAN Services MRC as follows:

1 Year Term: 75%

2 Year Term: 75%

3 Year Term: 100%



  • AireSpring partners are eligible for a cash bonus on FIREWALL Services MRC as follows:

1 Year Term: 75%

2 Year Term: 75%

3 Year Term: 100%



  • Includes the following services:
    • AirePBX Cloud Business Phone System
    • Local SIP Trunking
    • Digital PRI/T1 Handoff
    • Analog Handoff
  • Partner is eligible for a cash bonus on Cloud/Voice Seat/Trunk/Line MRC as follows:

1 Year Term: 200%

2 Year Term: 400%

3 Year Term: 600%

XCaaS by 8x8 

  • For XCaaS by 8x8, partner is eligible for a cash bonus on Seat MRC as follows:

1 Year Term: 100%

2 Year Term: 200%

3 Year Term: 400%

IMPORTANT NOTE: Cloud/Voice Bonuses do not apply to any optional features or services including but not limited to automatic Call Recording, AireTXT bundles, AireFAX, and Advanced CRM Integration/Universal Click to Dial.


  • Partner is eligible for a cash bonus on Connectivity Port MRC as follows:

1 Year Term: 125% 

2 Year Term: 125% 

3 Year Term: 150% 

  • Partner is eligible for a cash bonus on any Voice Services Trunk MRC as follows:

1 Year Term: 200% 

2 Year Term: 400% 

3 Year Term: 600% 


  • Long Distance SIP Trunking and AireSpring Network Dedicated Voice Long Distance PRI/T1:
    • Partner is eligible for $1,600 cash bonus (per every $800 in Eligible Usage on the customer’s 2nd month invoice or first full month of billing, whichever is later) with minimum usage commitment term of 12 months or more for Toll Free Services.
    • Partner is eligible for $800 cash bonus (per every $800 in Eligible Usage on the customer’s 2nd month invoice or first full month of billing, whichever is later) with minimum usage commitment term of 12 months or more for Outbound Long Distance and DID Services.
  • Resold Network Dedicated Voice Long Distance PRI/T1:
    • Partner is eligible for a maximum of $400 cash bonus (with a minimum of $800 in Eligible Usage on the customers 2nd month invoice or first full month of billing, whichever is later) with minimum usage commitment term of 12 months or more.
  • All cash bonuses for LD Usage will be split into two equal payments. The second payment will be made within 45 days of customer’s 13th month of service.
  • If customer's average billing for the period of the term agreement was less than $800 per month, a pro-rated chargeback will be applied to partner's commissions.
  • Eligible Usage is defined as 1+/outbound and toll-free long-distance calling (excluding taxes, surcharges, monthly recurring charges, directory assistance, and operator assisted or any other add on charges or fees).
  • Additional 5% residual bonus commission payable (in addition to existing commissions and bonuses) on AireSpring Network Dedicated Voice Long Distance PRI/T1 and Long-Distance SIP Trunking. Bonus is valid on new customer orders only. Bonus applies to 1+/Outbound Interstate Long Distance Standard Blended Rates only.
  • Wholesale LD accounts do not qualify.



  • All in-term migrations cannot utilize standard system generated pricing but must have pricing calculated and approved by AireSpring Special Pricing Dept.
  • In order for partner to qualify for renewal/migration cash bonus, partner must be directly involved in signing customer for renewal/migration.
  • Partner must notify AireSpring channel manager or AireSpring account manager, in writing, of their intent to receive renewal/migration cash bonus prior to customer/partner submitting order to AireSpring. Partner may only receive full renewal/migration cash bonus, or a portion thereof, if customer has not or will not receive the full allowable renewal/migration cash bonus amount, including but not limited to, Free Month/s given to Customer for Renewing/Upgrading, Early Termination Penalty (ETL) waivers given to Customer in return for Customer Renewing/Upgrading or any other credit issued to Customer for Renewing/Upgrading.


  • The partner can take all Renewal/Migration Cash Bonus or split a portion of the Bonus with the customer. 
  • The Renewal starts at the LATER of:
    • the END of the current term if still in term


  • (if out of term) the date the order is ACCEPTED by AireSpring. 
  • Bonus is paid to partner as per the terms and rules in the Applicable Monthly Promotion.
  • Applicable Monthly Promotion will be based on the date the order is ACCEPTED by AireSpring, even if the renewal start date is at a later date.
  • Renewal orders will be accepted within 6 months of the current contract end of term.
  • No Retroactive Renewals will be accepted (no back dating of start dates).


  • Partner Bonus applies as stated above, except for the following: 
  • Renewal Bonus will be calculated based on the NEW contract received, as per the Renewal section above.
  • Renewal Bonus will be reduced by the amount of Un-earned Bonuses previously paid.
  • Un-earned Bonuses are calculated by taking the remaining pro-rated portion of the original contract that is being cancelled/replaced and multiplying that percentage by the bonus previously paid on that contract (see example below).



AireSpring Q4 2022 Incentive - Win a Roman Holiday

Terms & Conditions

All aspects of the AireSpring Q4 2022 Incentive Trip are subject to all applicable laws and regulations. To be eligible for the award, all participants must agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and participation constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions contained herein.

Cash Award & Taxes

Winner will be provided the cash equivalent of $5500 to book their travel directly or use the funds at their discretion. A W9 must be on file with AireSpring before any money can be paid.

Any liability for federal, state, or other taxes for the AireSpring Q4 2022 Incentive Trip will be the sole responsibility of the winner. AireSpring will not be responsible for payment of any such taxes.

Qualification Terms

  • New MRC revenue is based on the total MRC (Monthly Recurring Charge) Revenue for new signed customer orders submitted by a registered AireSpring partner between October 1, 2022 and midnight December 31, 2022.
  • Every $1000 of New MRC revenue equals one entry into the random drawing for the trip.
  • Qualifying New MRC revenue is determined by AireSpring’s DAX CRM system.
  • Qualifying new customer orders must pass AireSpring credit and engineering review to qualify.
  • AireSpring reserves the right to verify that all orders conform to the intent and guidelines of this promotion.
  • Winner must be a current AireSpring partner, in good standing with AireSpring at the time of winner selection for the trip.
  • Winner agrees that AireSpring may, in any way AireSpring deems fit, and at AireSpring’s sole discretion, use any winner’s name and/or likeness for purposes of promotion or advertising.
  • Winner will be determined during January 2023.
  • Winner assures that acceptance of the trip does in no way violate any professional responsibilities that winner is obligated to uphold.